What to ask your hair transplant Dr at consultation
What is the best way to prepare for a hair transplant consultation?
Before speaking to any doctor, it is important to understand basic information about how hair transplant surgery is done to prepare for a hair transplant consultation. Of course, there are two general methods used for these types of surgeries: strip procedures and Follicular Unit Extraction. In strip surgery (also known as FUT or Follicular Unit Transfer), a narrow section of the scalp is removed as a source of donor follicles for the procedure. In Follicular Unit Extraction. punches are used to remove grafts directly from their origin. Most doctors specialize in one of these techniques or the other.

If one of your goals is to achieve coverage for moderate to severe forms of baldness, you may want to also learn about how body hair to head procedures work. Not every patient will have enough hair on their head to create donor pools required for ideal forms of coverage. But other follicles can be harvested as viable grafts from regions of the body such as the beard areas of the face and neck. And again, if coverage is extremely important to you, this would be something to consider. However it would be necessary to find a doctor who specializes in this practice. It is not something that can be done through regular FUE instruments and methods, rather it is performed by advanced FUE such as UGraft

In addition to these basics, find examples of surgical results by different clinics. These should ideally be in the form of before and after pictures or videos. Take note of characteristics that seem to be indicative of strengths or even weaknesses. It would be best to find a case that closely matches your condition as much as possible.

Although there are many different technologies for hair transplantation procedures, these are secondary to experience and ability. Yet it is easy for people to think that the tools themselves are central to quality outcomes.

Also, for specific doctors, try to view as many examples of their past work as you can.

General List of Questions To Ask Surgeons Who Perform Hair Restoration

At some clinics, initial consultations are offered by representatives. However, it is best to speak to the actual doctor who will be performing your procedure as opposed to speaking to someone whose prime incentive may be to increase sales.

Aside from the points listed above, here are other examples of questions you may want to consider. Other points that you think of can certainly be added.

(1) During the consultation, ask if it ok to record the session. If the doctor has reservations about this or tries to dissuade you, this may be a red flag.

(2) how long the physician has been performing hair restoration surgery. Likewise, ask about the experience of the technicians who will be taking part in the procedure as well.

(3) Aside from viewing images and videos of past cases, see if the doctor is willing to put you in touch with actual patients. This way, you can ask for their direct feedback. If at all possible, try to be matched with those whose initial condition was similar to your own.

(4) Take note of cost considerations including: price per graft, medications, aftercare and follow up consultations.

UGraft FUE hair transplant greatly improved coverage in the Norwood 6 area. prepare for a hair transplant consultation
UGraft FUE hair transplant greatly improved coverage in the Norwood 6 area.*


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