Is it ok to stop using Rogaine and Propecia after FUE hair Restoration surgery?
This is a very common question that people ask and wonder about is the role of Rogaine or Propecia after FUE hair restoration surgery. Follicular Unit Extraction and strip surgery may indeed reverse the appearance of thinning and baldness.  Some may feel that it is only necessary to go through a single hair transplant procedure. It is quite understandable to want to avoid having to use medications indefinitely, especially after surgery. But the needs of each patient’s case will be different.

Why Hair Might Continue to Be Lost After Strip Surgery or an FUE Hair Restoration

Continued shedding after a hair transplant procedure does not mean that the operation was futile. It has to do with the patient’s natural hair, not the inserted grafts. Many of the native hair follicles on the patient’s scalp will still be exposed to DHT which is created from the breakdown of testosterone through an enzyme called alpha- reductase. Due to the person’s genetic makeup, protein receptors on these structures are more vulnerable to the harmful effects of this compound.

Therefore, when DHT binds to these receptors, it will limit the uptake of nutrients from the circulatory system. This is what causes the follicles to miniaturize. Hair may progressively grow thinner with each new cycle. Or the shafts may fall out altogether.

While androgenic alopecia is genetic in origin, environmental factors can affect the rate. This has been seen in studies on identical twins. These siblings theoretically have the exact same DNA at birth. Although they may both have a predisposition towards baldness, lifestyle variables can drastically affect how this is manifested. If one of the pair spends a lot of time in the sun, indulges in alcohol and cigarettes or maintains a poor diet, they are more likely to show a much greater extent of hair loss compared to the other.

The expression of genetics can be influenced by factors in the environment.

Maintenance by Rogaine or Propecia after FUE hair restoration

Follicular Unit Extraction or strip surgery patients should anticipate the possibility of continuing to lose their natural hair after their surgery. This is especially true for younger individuals who are still shedding hair at a rapid rate. Therefore, a doctor may recommend the use of FDA approved products like Rogaine or Propecia after FUE hair Restoration. By stopping the use of these drugs after a surgery, patients will experience the same extent of hair loss that would have occurred without the medications.

Those that have already reached a Norwood 6 or a Norwood 7 stage and undergo body hair transplantation will have a relatively stable zone of head hair. This is basically the wreath around the back and sides. These hairs tend to be resistant to DHT due to the nature of the protein receptors at the base of the follicles.. Therefore, these individuals are less likely to worry about continued hair loss after their procedure. Furthermore, grafts taken from the body tend to actually thrive from being exposed to DHT. And they have longer hair cycles compared to head hair.

While discussing the course of a procedure like restoration through FUE  or strip, it is a good idea for patients to gain clarity about the overall planning of the surgery, including information on whether or not future procedures are likely.


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