Q. Side Effects of Propecia: One of my major concerns about taking Propecia are the side effects which include lowered sex drive. Is there another form of medication which can be used instead?
Q. Side Effects of Propecia: One of my major concerns about taking Propecia are the side effects which include lowered sex drive. Is there another form of medication which can be used instead?
Q. Side Effects of Propecia: One of my major concerns about taking Propecia are the side effects which include lowered sex drive. Is there another form of medication which can be used instead?
Many people share this concern when it comes to taking Propecia also called finasteride. So what are the side effects of propecia: Not all patients who take this drug will experience adverse side effects. But if you truly want to avoid the side effects of Propecia, Rogaine may be a better option to consider. Whereas Propecia is a prescription pill that is taken orally, Rogaine is a topical solution which can be purchased over the counter. Men are able to use both the 2% and the 5% versions. Whereas Propecia operates through a specific chemical pathway, Rogaine works on a more general level as a vasodilator to help increase blood flow to the head. Finasteride may also support the prostaglandin PGE2 which facilitates hair growth. Since Rogaine is applied topically, its primary mechanism of action tends to remain relatively close to the surface compared to Propecia which is more internally oriented.
Side Effects of Propecia Vs Side Effects of Rogaine
Propecia which is taken orally can cause side effects that reflect the hormone manipulative effects of the drug. many of them have to do with the anti androgenic properties of the drug, eg loss of libido, erectile dysfunction and gynaecomastia
Like any drug, Rogaine also has its side effects as well. These include: growth of unwanted hair on the face or body, tiredness, breathing difficulties, irregular heartbeat, chest pain, fainting, weight gain and swelling in the hands and feet.
Oral medications for hair loss may be used to help manage balding conditions. But surgery may be another option to consider.