Is Aldactone, A Rogaine Alternative for Women with Hair Loss ?
Aldactone, A Rogaine Alternative for Women with Hair Loss ? If Rogaine is ineffective, a doctor might prescribe a hair loss medication known as Spiranolactone, the generic name for Aldactone. Often recommended as a rogaine alternative, it’s main indicated uses are not for growing hair, but rather as a diuretic for various medical conditions.

However, the chemical drug compound is capable of binding to androgen receptors on the hair follicle. And by occupying these sites, this prevents DHT from affecting the hair follicles, causing them to miniaturize.

Using Spiranolactone as a Rogaine Alternative

Spiranolactone  may be recommended in cases where the cause of hair loss is strongly linked to high levels of androgenic hormones in the body.

It is important to remember that genetic pattern baldness or thinning involves many different pathways. Many of these are still being discovered by scientific researchers. Furthermore, androgenic alopecia in women is tied to many different variables beyond the formation of DHT from testosterone.

hair restoration. Hair loss medication. Rogaine|Minoxidil|Hair Restoration|Topical Treatment| Rogaine alternative
Rogaine is a hair loss medication that can be applied topically to increase blood flow to the scalp and help reduce the extent of hair loss.


Read about fda approved hair loss medications

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