Q. Beard Hair restoration: Dr. Umar, can you use UGraft FUE to restore my beard to fullness?
Yes, UGraft FUE can be used to extract hair from your head or body areas for transfer to your beard with the purpose of restoring your beard to natural fullness. The process of beard hair restoration by UGraft begins by studying your remaining beard for its hair characteristics and then scouting your head and body for the best hair that matches your beard hair characteristics the closest. The best match is then recommended for use in restoring your beard to create the types of facial hair patterns you want.  facial hair restoration procedures can be done for beards, mustaches and sideburns.


The hair on the lower regions of the back and sides of the scalp tend to be thinnest. For some patients, this would be an appropriate choice, but for others, they may not be. It also depends on preferred grooming practices. If growing a long thing beard hair is preferred,, then thick head hair would be ideal as it has the potential for growing as long as desired. So you would need to be clear on how long or short you would like your facial hair to be as part of the planning process for a facial hair construction procedure . It should be noted that the texture of head hair is often different from real beard hair.


A full beard hair is in vogue, beard hair restoration can offer hope for those not well endowed
(image- Creative Commons)
Beard hair transplant surgery may be an option for men who are not able to grow facial hair.

Read on body hair transplants and donor selection

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