Q. I am still in my teens and losing hair? Is it too early restoration of hair a good idea?
To determine if early restoration of hair should be done one has to consider the nature of the treatment. It is often alright to begin medications for hair loss earlier before the hairs have been lost, as it will be more difficult to reverse the issue as times goes.

When to begin early restoration of hair

Regardless of your age, you could be losing hair for a number of different reasons. This is important to determine in order to find the best course of action to take for treating your condition. A doctor can perform tests to see if you have a thyroid disorder or other forms of medical conditions.

If you are interested in undergoing a hair restoration surgery, your doctor can recommend an appropriate time for this to be done. Getting a procedure too early can result in the formation of bald patches in your natural hair regions. Dr U performs fue hair transplantation in younger patients using head and body hair by UGraft surgery after careful evaluation and counselling.

in young patients early restoration of hair should begin with non surgical treaments
The abundant donor supply of 9000 grafts enabled the patient to finally achieve more normal looking coverage throughout his head.*




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