Beard & Head Hair grafts| Patient Before & After Surgery
Follicular Unit Extraction: Hair transplants without linear scarring
Follicular Unit Extraction: Hair transplants without linear scarring : Traditional Strip Surgery hair transplants have a history of leaving a lot of scarring. With new modern FUE hair restoration techniques, visible scarring can be fully eliminated using Follicular Unit Extraction. Hair transplantation procedures that use follicular unit extraction fully are known to leave no linear scarring. Older techniques like the strip type HT also called FUT, FUHT usually leaves a “smiley face” scar along the back of the head, from ear to ear. The hair transplant procedure for Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) leaves tiny scars that are virtually undetectable and allow patients to use many hair styles, including short hair.

Follicular Unit Extraction: Hair transplants without linear scarring

When traditional strip surgeries, or strip hair surgery methods of hair transplants are done by a poorly skilled doctor, scarring may be very excessive and may present a cosmetic and visible problem. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) leaves barely visible scars that are multiple tiny round white scars in the donor area, one for each extracted follicular unit. Generally, these scars are undetectable and are of no cosmetic consequence to the patient. Keep in mind that every time the skin is cut, no matter how small the cut it, it will produce a scar. Therefore, FUE scars can still be seen when the scalp is shaved.

To view a patient video showing the results of his hair transplant procedure with this method, click here 

Follicular Unit Extraction: Hair transplants without linear scarring
This patient was able to achieve his best hair transplant results by switching to Follicular Unit Extraction for his fourth procedure*
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