At the Dr. U Hair Clinic, patients with many types of hair loss challenges request help. One of Dr. U's more recent endeavors involved the…
Category: Body Hair Transplant Photos
Hairline Restoration Using Body Hair Transplant
Hairline Restoration Using Body Hair Transplant: The ideal transplanted hairline should mimic a mildly receded hairline which by nature consists of soft full hairline. A…

How Dr. Umars Beard Hair Transplant Improved Coverage And Repaired a Strip Scar with 6,000 uGrafts
Although this patient had prior hair restoration surgeries, his outcome of the beard hair transplant surgery was sub par. Many of the inserted grafts did…

Body Hair To Head Transplant using 5500 UGrafts from the Stomach and chest
Body Hair To Head Transplant using 5500 Ugrafts from the stomach and chest: The aftermath of a scalp reduction and a decades-old punch graft procedure…

Phase Two: 5000 BHT Grafts From Beard And Chest
This patient underwent a strip surgery that yielded subpar results, leaving him with a strip scar, sparsely and poorly placed hair over the crown, and…

Best Body Hair Transplant Repair Result In The World
best body hair transplant repair in the world : Many treatments for hair loss fall short and in some instance have resulted in disastrous outcomes.…

Body Hair Transplantation with FUE Technology Used to Cover Strip Scars
This patient had undergone a previous hair transplant using “strip harvesting.” The result was two terrible strip scars. Using body hair transplantation with FUE technology,…

Receding Hairline Restored Using 2500 Follicular Unit Extraction Grafts
This patient suffered from a receding hairline and tried to hide his male pattern baldness with a comb-over. Dr. Umar was able to restore his…

Facial Hair Transplant To Fix Strip Scarring
Facial Hair Transplant To Fix Strip Scarring two strip scars from past procedures were covered using FUE grafts* Hair Loss Level: Hair transplantation Scar from…

Body Hair Transplant Using Only Body Hair by UGraft FUE
Body Hair Transplant Using Only Body Hair: In this case presentation, Dr U performs the restoration by Body Hair Transplant Using Only Body Hair using the…