Patient With Strip Scarring
Hair Transplant Strip Surgery Scar Repair Using UGraft FUE

Hair Transplant Strip Surgery Scar Repair Using UGraft FUE : The patient had undergone prior strip type surgical hair restoration at two separate clinics. These procedures created two strip scars in the back and sides of his head.

Although his overall growth from these operations was quite positive, he wanted to wear his hair short. But with the type of length he ultimately wanted, the scars would be quite visible

He chose Dr. Umar,  a globally known leader in the transplantation of body hair,  to perform a strip surgery scar repair procedure.  Since he no longer had enough scalp donor follicles, a body hair transplantation became necessary to achieve the coverage that he desired for the scars.  The additional grafts were obtained through the removal of beard hair follicles through the use of specialized UGraft instrumentation and surgical processes developed by Dr. Umar himself.

Hair Transplant Strip Surgery Scar Repair Using UGraft FUE : Before and After Photos

Strip Scarring| Repair With Beard Hair Grafts
Strip scars from two previous surgeries were successfully repaired with beard hair.*
Hair Transplant Strip Surgery Scar Repair Using UGraft FUE before and after photos
Hair Transplant Strip Surgery Scar Repair Using UGraft FUE photos*



Hair Transplant Strip Surgery Scar Repair Using UGraft FUE : Patient’s Results Video

This patient’s procedure represents the first documented case where the use of beard hair resulted in the near elimination of visible strip scarring.

Related article:

The Truth About Strip Surgery Hair Transplantation Procedure




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