Also, Nigella Sativa is considered an extremely beneficial herb in Ayurveda, Indian traditional medicine and home remedies in eastern countries. In Ayurveda, nigella sativa or “kalonji” is supposed to contain more than 100 medicinal components. It is mostly used as an antiseptic and helps in treating many diseases like blood sugar, blood pressure and body weight too.

Nigella Sativa Oil Potential Usefulness in Hair Loss
Hair loss has been a recurring problem in the US. It is considered normal for people to lose 100 hairs per day. However, these hairs don’t always grow back. Also, hair loss can be facilitated by external factors like changes in the climate, stress and pollution.
Finding new solutions in traditional medicines can be quite beneficial, because experts and western researchers who have tested the effectiveness of nigella sativa oil say that it can be a catalyst for replenishing the hair follicles and preventing baldness.
During the olden days nigella sativa oil was applied directly on to the bald scalp. It was left to rest for half hour and then washed. This practice is still followed by many people as an effective home remedy in the eastern countries.
Nigella Sativa Oil Potential Usefulness in Hair Loss : The Research
In the recent past scientists have taken interest in this oil’s ability to help people with hair loss. Nutritionally nigella sativa is very rich in minerals and vital nutrients required to regrow hair and keep the existing hair strands strong. It contains calcium, iron, sodium and potassium.
Researchers at the University of Rome conducted a small pilot study to test the effects of Nigella Sativa on a form of hair loss called telogen effluvium. This condition is heavily influenced by inflammation of the hair follicles. Nigella Sativa contains a constituent called tymoquinon (TQ) which works as both an anti-oxidant and an anti-inflammatory agent. This special compound inhibits bio-chemical factors which promote inflammation such as prostaglandin D2 and cyclooxygenase.
Twenty participants took part in the pilot study. Half were treated with a daily scalp lotion consisting of 0.5% Nigella Sativa for three months. The other half were treated with a placebo.
The results showed a significant improvement in 70% of the subjects in terms of both hair density and hair thickness.
Good hair on the scalp are always indicative of good health and vice versa. So the use of nigella sativa oil can help individuals improve their overall health while improving the condition of their hair. Nigella sativa seeds contain a total of fifteen amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein.
It may be very likely that a resurgence in the use of Nigella sativa oil for hair loss (and overall health) will start to become more prevalent in western societies.
All information contained within this site is for reference purposes only. You must consult and follow the directions of your physician and licensed health care professionals. Natural products have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any health condition or disease
Further reading
Why The Processing Methods of Natural Hair Ingredients Matter
Do Natural herbal Hair Restoration Remedies Actually Exist ?
Amla Extract Potential Role in Hair Growth and Conditioning