Hair Transplant Repair Patient Before Body Hair Transplant
Hairline and Temples Creating using Chest and Beard hair for hair piece integration

Hairline and Temples Creating using Chest and Beard hair for hairpiece integration :  This patient turned to Dr. Umar in desperation, after multiple failed hair restoration surgeries done elsewhere left him with extensive scarring, plugging and even more severe baldness. He had turned to using a toupee, but hated how obvious it was. He wanted a natural hairline to disguise part of the hairpiece, and he wanted his baldness reduced and his scars hidden. But his head donor hair was used up by these antiquated surgeries.

Using UGraft advanced FUE, body hair transplant was used by Dr. U to retrieve hair from the patient’s chest, stomach, and beard hair to accomplish a superior and natural looking repair. He was yet another patient who had given up hope before discovering Dr. Umar’s expertise with body hair transplants.

Hairline and Temples Creating using Chest and Beard hair for hair piece integration – VIDEO

Hairline and Temples Creating using Chest and Beard hair for hair piece integration – PHOTO

Hairline and Temples Creating using Chest and Beard hair for hair piece integration - Before and After
Hairline and Temples Creating using Chest and Beard hair for hair piece integration*


Need options for your severe hair loss issue? Contact Dr. Umar for a free online consultation today.

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