Hair Transplant Images| FUE Patients
Hair Transplantation for Life – Is It Possible?
Hair Transplantation for Life – Is It Possible? : Yes and No

Hair Transplantation for Life – Is It Possible? Why Yes ?

Using Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), a minimally invasive procedure that does away with outdated approaches to hair transplant by providing a true solution instead of an illusion of restored hair. No scalpels, strip mining or stitches are used in this FUE hair transplant approach, which leaves the patient free of scars and on the path back to self-esteem. Through FUE, donor hair is moved in natural follicle groupings one at a time from the donor areas anywhere on the head, face or body to the restoration area, leaving a natural look with full coverage and no scarring. Transplanted hairs begin to take root and grow continuously over your lifetime. It also gives you maximum flexibility to express your personal style; hair restored with FUE can be comfortably worn short or long.

This approach is a great advance over the traditional strip surgery, which usually requires cutting strips of flesh from the back and side of the head, resulting in a linear scar that can widen overtime, and forcing you to continually find ways to hide it. The older method also limits the donor supply to 5,000-7,000 hair follicles, a huge waste.

Typically, there are no signs of surgery within a week of the Follicular Unit Extraction procedure.

Hair Transplantation for Life – Is It Possible? WHY NO ?

It is no because although transplanted hair is permanent, the pre-existing hair is not. And as hair loss progresses to affect these remaining pre-existing hair, more hair transplants would be required to catch up with the hair loss. Here is an example of a Dr U patient who reports the beginning of hair loss progression of the area behind his grafted hairline 8-9 years after his UGraft FUE hair transplant

Have more questions about reliable hair transplant options? Contact Dr. Umar for a free online consultation today.

Hair Transplantation for Life - Is It Possible?
Proper handling and insertions of the follicle grafts are essential for long term growth.*
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