FUE Hair Transplant Results on Asian Patient
FUE Hair Transplant For Asian Hair
FUE Hair Transplant For Asian Hair : Follicular unit extraction, or FUE, is particularly beneficial to people of Asian descent. (Especially East Asians, such as those of Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and Filipino backgrounds.) Most Asian patients naturally have a thick and very straight hair follicle, which is the easiest type of hair to extract for FUE hair transplantation and why FUE Hair Transplant For Asian Hair is easier to perform compared to other demographics.

In addition, the thickness of Asian hair renders their hairlines harsh and unnatural if traditional donor hair is used to create it. In  “traditional” strip surgery, since that method extracts hair from the mid-back portion of the scalp—where hair is already thickest, the hairline created in Asian patients tends to be unavoidably harsh and pluggy looking. An Asian patient, having undergone strip surgery, would find his hairline to be extremely harsh and unnatural.

FUE Hair Transplant For Asian Hair – Why Is FUE Better For Asian Hair?

With UGraft advanced FUE, grafts are extracted in their natural follicular units of one to four hairs, and finer hairs can be taken from the nape virtually anywhere on the body and used in the creation of softer more natural looking hairlines in Asian individuals. Dr. Umar’s approach to follicular unit extraction transplant for Asian Hair, advanced Ugraft FUE, extracts finer follicles from the nape of the neck and behind the ears in order to design a soft, gradual hairline.

FUE Hair Transplant For Asian Hair
FUE hairline restoration on an Asian patient.*

Dr. Umar, a world leader among FUE hair transplant surgeons, has treated a number of Asian patients who’ve travelled from as far as Japan and Taiwan to his offices of Beverly Hills and Redondo Beach. While his UGraft FUE procedure is especially advantageous to people of Asian ethnicity, it can be performed safely and successfully on people of almost all racial backgrounds.

If you have need of Dr. Umar’s UGraft FUE procedure, don’t hesitate to schedule a free online consultation.

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