UGraft FUE hair transplant wounds before and after
Follicular Unit Extraction is Not scar free It is Linear-Scar free
Follicular Unit Extraction is Not scar free It is Linear-Scar free:  Follicular Unit Extraction is becoming a popular method for hair restoration. If you are experiencing hair loss, during your inquiries via the Internet or library, you have surely come across the term Follicular Unit Extraction or “FUE.” Thus, many people want to know what FUE truly is, and how it works. They want to know if FUE hair transplant is scarless. FUE stands for Follicular Unit Extraction. Follicular unit extraction is a specific technique used in hair transplant surgeries because of the natural looking result and accelerated post-operation healing. Before the invention of FUE, hair transplant methods called follicular unit strip surgery was the norm and required the doctor to remove a strip of flesh from the back and sides of the head which creates in the process a linear strip of scar that can become visible. This type of hair restoration makes it mandatory for the patient to keep the hair in the back and sides of the head long enough to cover the scarring. Such a procedure additionally opens the patient to a myriad of untoward side effects such as nerve damage leading to numbness or pain, disruption of the harmony of hair on the back and sides of the head, elevation of the neck hairline etc. These side effects are not likely to occur in FUE type procedures.

UGraft FUE head donor before and after. Even though healing outcome is spectacular, it cannot be called scarless
UGraft FUE head donor before and after. Even though healing outcome is spectacular, it cannot be called scarless

Follicular Unit Extraction is Not scar free It is Linear-Scar free

Patients seeking FUE should however be aware that it is not a scarless procedure. According to Dr U, it is misleading to imply it is. Dr U further continued: “All and ny wound would create a scar” It is only a question of how cosmetically significant the scar is. FUE, would not cause the linear scar of strip surgery. It would however create small punctate scars which are typically cosmetically insignificant even when the area is crew cut.

Follicular Unit Extraction is Not scar free: Dr U's patint before and after head hair FUE hair transplant.. Excellent outcome
Follicular Unit Extraction is Not scar free: Dr U’s patint before and after head hair FUE hair transplant.. Excellent outcome

Follicular Unit Extraction, or FUE, creates a natural look for patients while minimizing the appearance of a transplant, hiding most if not all of the donor area, and accelerates post-operative healing. Most important to the patient seeking hair restoration is the fact that Follicular Unit Extraction eliminates traditional hair restoration’s most invasive aspect, the surgical removal of a strip of tissue from which the units are taken. Dr. Umar at Dermhair Clinic is a leading hair transplant surgeon specializing in FUE, including new procedures he has helped pioneer such as Body Hair Transplants and UGraft.


After the extraction of 4500 grafts, the patient's beard area is still ample and natural in appearance. But the surgery is not considered scar free
After the extraction of 4500 grafts, the patient’s beard area is still ample and natural in appearance. But the surgery is not considered scar free

If you are interested in learning more about Dr. Umar and his advanced hair transplantation methods, please contact the DermHair Clinic in Los Angeles for a free consultation. For an in-office appointment, please call the office at (310)318-1500. For a free online consultation, please visit our website at

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