Wound healing after hair restoration: How long does it take for wounds to heal after a hair transplant procedure? And when will I be able to go out without obvious signs of surgery?
Wound healing after hair restoration time generally depends on the surgery’s level of invasiveness.  For example, with strip surgery, actual sections of the scalp’s surface are excised.  It generally takes about two weeks for the skin to heal itself by producing collagen scar tissue. And what remains is a linear scar.

Follicular Unit Extraction is much less invasive since hair follicles are removed with tiny punches.  It usually takes between 7-14 days for the scabbing to go away.

Wound healing after hair restoration

The time it takes for you to be able to resume your normal outings and activities can also depend on:

(1) How much hair is left in the donor site to help cover up any signs of surgery

(2) The number of grafts that were inserted into the recipient sites of your scalp. More grafts will naturally entail more wounding and scabbing.

Individual differences such as these (and others) will of course affect the actual time it takes for the skin to heal.  Signs of surgery are usually gone by three weeks for some people and up to four months for others.

Learn more about wound healing with uGraft here.

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