Depending on the patients medical condition, Dr U might request a clearance letter from other doctors involved in the management of pre-existing or emerging health conditions in the patients.
As in the instance of any cosmetic surgery, a hair transplantation patient will need to have reasonable expectations. Sadly, depression after hair transplantation often times becomes an issue as a result of unreasonable expectations. During the first consultation, the doctor must learn his or her patient’s intended goal as well as the reason the patient decided to undergo hair transplantation.
The Hair Transplantation Process: What are The Types of Hair Transplantation?
There are various types of hair transplantation, some older, some more popular, and some more effective. In no specific order:
- Punch grafting, mini and micro grafts (no longer performed these days)
- Strip surgery
- Follicular unit extraction (FUE)
- FUE using body hair transplantation (BHT)
Regardless of whether the patient chooses FUE or strip surgery, the physician has to consult him or her, putting together the best plan for hair transplantation. By recognizing the underlying source of one’s hair loss, it is easier to target and pinpoint the most effective means of restoration. The patient has to be afforded sufficient time to pose any questions and arrive at a fair understanding of the entire hair transplantation process. As a well-informed patient, you are in the position to select the best medical professional. The best thing you can do as a prospective patient is research, research, and more research. If you are interested in learning more about FUE, hair loss, or hair transplantation, you can schedule a free online consultation with Dr. Umar today.