Hair Restoration Graft Count
The Body Hair Transplantation Procedure Day
The Body Hair Transplantation Procedure Day : Dr. Umar has created a more advanced procedure of the Follicular Unit Extraction, known as the UGraft with which he has found significance success in Body Hair Relocation, as a solution for hair loss. In body hair relocation hair restoration procedure, individual hairs are safely removed from anywhere on the head, face, and body and transferred to the area of need, where they are transplanted. The Body Hair Transplantation has rapid healing rates and better overall yield and growth of transplanted hair follicles in comparison to more traditional hair transplants. The minimally invasive procedure requires no scalpel, strip surgery, or stitches. And best of all, Body Hair Transplantation is linear scar-free. The newly transplanted hairs grow in a natural pattern from the first treatment and patients are able to return to their normal life almost immediately.

The Body Hair Transplantation Procedure Day

So what does procedure day entitle? When a patient comes in for a Body Hair Transplantation, they walk in and are always taken back by the degree of comfort from the very beginning. Like other typical hair transplants, patients take a mild sedative orally to start the procedure. The hair restoration is done with patient lying or sitting on the custom-made, highly versatile operating table. The whole Body Hair Transplantation is done under local anesthesia.
Most patients even are awake watching a movie of their choice during the procedure. Patients, suffering from hair loss, are able to take breaks during the process and lunch is served in patient’s clinic patio, with a calming view of the Pacific Ocean right in front of them. Most patients do not require even ordinary over-the-counter painkillers after the hair restoration. The advanced UGraft Follicular Unit Extraction procedure that Dr. Umar has created has been thought out and perfected down to the very core to ensure patient comfort and ultimate success in comparison to other hair transplants.
So as you can see, the Body Hair Transplantation at DermHair Clinic is a one-of-a-kind hair restoration that more people are considering and undergoing. As a more advanced version of Follicular Unit Extraction, the hair transplant may be the right choice for you. Come by DermHair and be sure to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Umar so he can assess what is the best possible treatment for your hair loss.
The Body Hair Transplantation Procedure Day
Since this patient’s surgery used 25,000 grafts, his procedure needed to be divided into separate sessions.*

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