Body Hair Transplant| UGraft| Advanced FUE
The Umar Procedure called UGraft
The Umar Procedure called UGraft : At DermHair Clinic in Los Angeles, all effort is geared towards restoring confidence ravaged by the effect of baldness or botched hair restoration surgeries one hair follicle at a time in the least invasive and most natural way possible. Dr. Umar achieves this by utilizing the latest and most microsurgical techniques in hair restoration. He has spent years focusing on the invention and design of tools and techniques which allowed for the successful, knife-free, natural replacement for hair loss, and these methods continue to be advanced by him. DermHair Clinic in Los Angeles offers only the least invasive type of hair transplantation. Dr. Umar’s innovative procedure is completely scalpel-free and utilizes micro surgical techniques to harvest each hair unit one at a time in a process called UGraft advanced FUE hair transplantation and this is a more advanced form of the procedure popularly known as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).


VIDEO Of The Umar Procedure called UGraft


The UGraft is a state-of-the-art hair restoration treatment that results in rapid healing rates and better overall yield and growth of transplanted hair follicles on the scalp. The UGraft is a minimally invasive treatment that requires no scalpels, strip surgery or stitches. These hair units are then transplanted one at a time in the most natural fashion. This technique is minimally invasive to the extent that the sign immediately after the surgery is tiny wounds that typically heal up within days. Scarring and downtime are minimized, and most importantly, because the procedure allows for the use of body hair, the number of transplantable donor hair is greatly increased. The newly transplanted hair follicles grow in a natural pattern from the first treatment. Typically, patients return to a normal life immediately after their hair transplantation surgery in Los Angeles, and many have no need to cover their head with a toupee or hat ever again.

Dr. Umar is the top BHT hair restoration surgeon in the world. Using his invention of the UGraft, he has performed produced results that other clinic or doctor had considered impossible. For more information, please contact the DermHair Clinic in Los Angeles at (310)318-1500, or visit for a free online consultation

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