Dihydrotestosterone. Male Pattern Baldness and DHT
Severe Baldness Cure with Body Hair to Head Transplant 20,000 UGrafts FUE

Severe baldness cure with Body hair to head transplant by Dr U’s UGraft FUE approach was the only remaining solution for the patient presented in this video. He suffered from severe hair loss and did not want to settle for a bald crown and an aged hairline that typical hair transplantation methods  offer. Basically, this patient suffered from a near-complete NW 6 hair loss. With head donor hair nearly depleted, he needed body hair transplantation – BHT to restore his thinning hair.

Severe Baldness Body Hair to Head Cure
Norwood 6 hair loss affected a sizable portion of this patient’s head.*

He estimated that the scalp donor supply he retained would not be able to meet his desire for global restoration. Therefore, he chose Dr. Umar, wanting to undergo an Advanced Follicular Unit Extraction UGraft surgery. This body hair transplant procedure for the severely bald would soon change his life.

Result Photo: Severe Baldness cure with Body Hair to Head Transplant

Severe Baldness Cure with Body Hair to Head Transplant, 20,000 UGraft Before and After photos
Baldness cure with Body Hair to Head Transplant: Crown baldness and sparseness of the patient’s hair on top of his head is successfully reversed through the use of body hair grafts to improve density and coverage.*


Baldness cure with Body Hair Transplant: View of Crown and Temples| BHT Surgery Results- Norwood 6 Patient
Before and after images of Norwood 6, severely bald patient featuring the crown, temples and hairline*










Following his operation, thinning hair  no longer became a concern for this patient, as his severe NW 6 hair loss is now a thing of the past.

According to Dr U, relative or absolute lack of donor supply occur from the following common reasons:

(1) because of severe baldness from mother nature

(2) accidents or burns

(3)  poor hair surgeries

Individuals suffering from these conditions may be good candidates for body hair transplantation if they have  good quality body and beard hair supply.

The restoration of a Norwood 6 level patient to a Norwood 0 would have been impossible through strip surgery methods. This technique is restricted to safe zones on the back and sides of the head. Generally, this only offers between 5000-7000 grafts.  But with Follicular Unit Extraction, it is possible to harvest additional grafts beyond this area.

Advanced FUE takes these capabilities further by enabling grafts to be harvested from body donor surfaces to achieve much greater levels of coverage.

Body Hair to Head Transplant in the Care of Dr. Umar

Using some of the patient’s head, body and beard hair combined, Dr. Umar transferred approximately 20,000 grafts universally to all balding areas over the course of 2 separate sessions spaced at one-year intervals.

During the first surgery, 15,000 grafts were extracted from the head, nape and chest area. The objective was to fill in the entire Norwood 6 area and to render a full hairline.

During the second surgery, 5000 grafts were taken from the nape, scalp, beard and chest to enhance the density of the hairline, crown and mid-scalp.

Here is the patient’s outcome at about one year following his second session. Additional improvement is expected to occur in terms of density and seamless global blending.

Severe Baldness cure with Body Hair to Head Transplant : UGraft Patient Video Example


When it comes to severe hair loss, body hair to head transplant is usually the only permanent option. Body hair to head transplant as done with UGraft is the only way to circumvent the limitations of traditional methods that rely solely on scalp donors to enable credible restoration of severely bald patients. And it is only possible through FUE ( Follicular unit extraction ) because of its microscopic and minimally invasive approach to excision. No scalpels are used for this hair restoration procedure, to make for the least amount of scarring. Expert surgeons like Dr. U blend the body hair with surrounding head hair so an onlooker will never know the difference.

Contact DermHair Clinic  today by filling in our online consultation form, free of charge.

View more examples of severe baldness treatment using the UGraft here

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