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Most common questions about the Follicular Unit Extractions and Body Hair Transplants
Dr. Umar at Dermhair Clinic is the leading FUE Body Hair Transplant surgeon in the world, and a highly respected FUE Hair Restoration doctor, solving the most extreme hair transplant repair cases.. Through the years, many patients have had a series of common questions about the procedure. The following are some of the most common:

Q: Can only certain hair types be used?
A: No, all hair types can be extracted by Body Hair Transplant procedure regardless of a person’s skin type.  However, not all body hair is usable. Consult with your body hair transplantation provider on what body hair is usable in your instance.
Q: Is Follicular Unit Extraction painful?
Q: Why is Follicular Unit Extraction a better choice of hair transplantation than traditional strip surgery?
A: Whereas a traditional hair transplant requires cutting flesh from the back and side of the head leaving a linear scar that can potentially widen overtime, Follicular Unit Extraction is linear-scar free and minimally invasive. Besides other reasons why Follicular Unit Extraction is the top hair restoration procedure, being linear scar-free is the best advantage.

More questions about the Follicular Unit Extractions and Body Hair Transplants

Q: How long does it take for the hair transplant to heal after a Body Hair Transplant?
A: Because Dr. Umar uses micro-surgical techniques for a body hair transplant, the hair restoration treatment ensures the smallest wounding and healing process. The time it usually takes for the surgery to completely heal ranges from 3 weeks to 4 months.
Q: Are females good candidates for a Body Hair Transplant?
A: Female patients require further testing and investigation by Dr. Umar to determine the cause of their hair loss. From there, he will assess the best possible treatment whether that will include a body hair transplant or not.
Q: Is it okay to have a hair transplant at an early age?
A: Hair loss is a gradual process that occurs throughout a lifetime. If hair loss runs in your family, then losing hair will be inevitable. Despite the cause, the sooner hair restoration is in place, the better. But before doing so, you should discuss your hair loss situation with a specialized hair surgeon such as Dr. Umar before undergoing any treatment, especially a hair transplant such as Follicular Unit Extraction. For instance, if someone at such a young age has a hair transplant, it is very likely he will require another one later on.
questions about the Follicular Unit Extractions and Body Hair Transplants
This patient was distressed by his continuing hairline recession. But through a well executed Follicular Unit Extraction, he was able to restore a more youthful looking appearance.*

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