Hair Restoration Videos| Patient Results
Dr. Umar’s UGraft Advanced FUE Is For ALL Hair Types
Dr. Umar’s UGraft Advanced FUE Is For ALL Hair Types : All hair types can be successfully extracted by UGraft advanced FUE regardless of skin type with absolutely no need for any kind of testing. With UGraft BHT hair from any part of the body can be extracted intact and used as needed. A session can be as big as a 15,000 graft transplant procedure. This can be done over a series of back to back work days. Depending on your hair characteristics 800-1500 BHT or UGraft – FUE grafts can be transplanted in a single day. The entire procedure is done under local anesthesia with the patient awake and often watching a movie.


Dr. Umar’s UGraft Advanced FUE Is For ALL Hair Types

Pain is minimal both during and after this minimally invasive hair transplantation procedure. Typically, a mild oral sedative is given before the procedure. Most patients do not require a pain killer after the procedure. Some discomfort can be expected when the anesthetic is injected into the scalp. However, once the skin is anesthetized, there is no pain. If the numbing affect wears off during the course of the procedure, more is injected to re-anesthetize the area. Advances in local anesthetic and the way it is applied now allows for a comfortable and relaxing procedure. Most patients watch movies, listen to music or nap during their procedure. If there is pain, it will probably occur the first night, or the day after the procedure is typically the worst. Taking pain medications prescribed by your hair loss doctor as directed would further make any discomfort minimal. UGraft – FUE is performed by Dr. Umar in his procedure room at his Redondo Beach Los Angeles hair restoration clinic in the most relaxing atmosphere.

UGraft – FUE is a minimally painful procedure since it is scalpel-free and does not require for the removal of a strip of flesh from the sides and back of the head like strip surgery does. UGraft is an advanced version of the popular FUE procedure which Dr. Umar has invented and pioneered in. For more information, please contact Dr Sanusi Umar a board certified dermatologist and hair specialist at DermHair Clinic in Los Angeles at (310)318-1500, or complete this free hair online consultation form

Dr. Umar’s UGraft Advanced FUE Is For ALL Hair Types
Dr. U has developed ground breaking instruments to safely remove singled haired follicles from the body and nape. This patient was able to receive 25,000 grafts through this approach.
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