Change in Pigment of Hair After Transplant to New Microenvironment
Change pigment of Hair After Transplant to New Microenvironment : This is a 61 year old patient who has a NW 6 hair loss level with a history of old fashioned pluggy hair transplants done in 1987 and 1989. Apart from the pluggy appearance due to the poor traditional hair transplantation, he needed more coverage and requested the use of body hair for filler effect, as well as for the coverage of the crown and refinement of his hairline by softening it. He requested for body to head hair transplantation, but he did not want any head or beard hair used for his hair restoration. His previous hair transplants consisted of several minigrafts and plugs that covered his frontal and mid scalp.

Pigment of Hair After Transplant to New Microenvironment
61 Year Old After Hair Transplant at DermHair*

His crown was empty except for a few isolated plugs.

Pigment of Hair After Transplant to New Microenvironment

For the first time in history, a surgery which caused the reversal of graying following transplantation of gray chest hair to the head was performed. Dr. Umar transplanted 3,000 gray and dark body hair to the patient’s head and observed darkening of the transplanted area at 7 months. Next Dr. Umar selected only gray hair from a defined area of the chest and transplanted 1354 of these to the bald crown. At 20 months Dr. Umar observed predominantly dark hair growth in transplanted area of the crown.

Changing the milieu of follicles by hair transplantation could result in the reversal of senescent canities (Gray hair). This occurrence suggests a relationship between the hair follicle (donor) and its skin microenvironment (recipient). This may be a reflection of a contribution by the recipient in the signal pathways that determine pigment dilution in hair. Overall, the patient had 6000 body hair transplanted from the thighs, chest, abdomen to his hairline, and to the remaining NW 6 area. The result of his body hair transplantation (BHT) procedure is shown at over 1 year after his last surgery. He is happy with his result.

Much like hair loss concealers, body hair transplants – BHT work as an excellent filler for use in between naturally thinning hair as well as for donor hair supply for hair transplantations. Back in 2005, Dr. Umar first observed the toppik like filler effect of BHT. Body hair is also an effective method to use to refine the hairline. BHT is a breakthrough in hair transplantation as patients with limited donor hair from their scalp can now look into using their body and beard hair for additional donor hair supply. It is the only hope at restoration for such patients pending the advent of cell based hair cloning or hair multiplication methods. Dr. Umar is the top BHT hair restoration surgeon in the world, and he has performed surgeries that produced results that other clinic or doctor have written off as impossible. For this reason, other highly notable hair transplantation surgeons have recognized Dr. Umar as the leader in the practice of BHT and would refer their cases of BHT to him in his clinic in Los Angeles. For more information, please contact the DermHair Clinic in Los Angeles at (310)318-1500, or do a free online consultation

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