hair transplant for young patients: Should a person get a hair transplant early on in life?
Hair transplant for young patients: In general, hair restoration surgeons are reluctant to perform procedures on individuals in their late teens and early twenties.  Hair loss is most likely continuing to occur. Therefore, hair transplant for young patients may result in the formation of bald patches behind the regions where hair was transplanted. The patient will most likely require additional transplantation to fill these in.

However, the desire to get a hair restoration done early on in life is certainly understandable. This is when a person is most likely to be actively dating and perhaps seeking a marriage partner.  Also career goals are also in a state of advancement.  Naturally, individuals would want to look their best.

In some cases, a hair restoration can be performed while the individual is still young. This really depends on whether or not their hair loss has approached a more stable and constant rate.

Another consideration in getting a hair transplant  is whether or not the patient is financially prepared to finance, not only their first surgery, but also possible repair procedures as well.

Younger patients who are considering getting a hair restoration will need to consider multiple variables when working with their doctor to make a decision.

hair transplant for young patients. Young Hair Transplant Candidate
Younger men can undergo hair restoration procedures. But they must weigh the pros and the cons of undergoing surgery at an earlier age.*



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