African American FUE Hair Transplant Using 1200 grafts : Dr U used 1200 FUE grafts for African American Patient successfully back when FUE was at its infancy. But using the principles of the UPunch, the surgery was successful. The patient is with a NW5 area of thinning with a prior history of a small follicular unit extraction (FUE) surgery at another facility before presenting to Dr Umar. He wanted only very few grafts for his level of hair loss. He wanted only 1200 grafts used in another follicular unit extraction procedure.
African American FUE Hair Transplant Using 1200 grafts, Case Report
Dr. Umar transplanted 1200 FUE grafts derived from the nape and head donor to his frontal scalp and hairline with a deliberate purpose of creating a NW3 type thinning top with emphasis placed on looking natural.

It is often a challenge for people of color to find effective UGraft FUE hair transplant services. Dr. U has Invented specialized instrumentation exclusively for the performance of FUE in any and all African American patients and individuals of African Descent. With this new invention, FUE hair transplant can be performed successfully and consistently even in the the mostly tightly curled hair and thickest scalp skin. Dr U has restored hair by his UGraft advanced FUE in a lot African American patients and people of all nationalities. Click here to learn more how you can get a free consultation: