Inadequate Donor Supply for Crown Restoration
Inadequate Donor Supply for Crown Restoration : This is actually a very common dilemma. While follicles from the scalp is conventionally used as a source of grafts for crown restoration hair transplantation,  hair clinics are reluctant to perform the procedure because of fear of running out of head hair donor needed to address priority areas in the hairlines and frontal scalps. The concern is that in event the patient progresses to moderate or even severe forms of hair loss, there would not be enough grafts to give a natural pattern of hair coverage.

Solution for Insufficient Donor Supply for Crown Restoration

Dr U solves this problem by expanding the donor supply to numbers than can cater to the hairline , front, middle and crown area thinning as well. Donor expansion is achieved by the UGraft technology that efficiently recruits hair grafts from the body can be used to expand the head donor supply, making it possible to conduct successful crown restoration procedures.

The extraction of body hair cannot be done through basic Follicular Unit Extraction. Due to the sharp growth angles and the need for higher standards in wound healing, the use of specialized tools like uGraft is essential.

UGraft Solution Inadequate Donor Supply for Crown Restoration - Before and After photos
UGraft Solution Inadequate Donor Supply for Crown Restoration – Before and After photos*











If you have crown hair loss and are interested in having crown hair restoration, contact Dr U here


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