Beard Hair Transplant Results

Hair Restoration Graft Count
Beard Hair Transplant Results : As with any service, any investment, or any cosmetic enhancement it is normal to want the best results. Be it your wireless internet or a hair cut and color, the fastest, most flattering, best results are always the goal. So with the results of a procedure that uses beard hair follicles, the goal in mind is no different. Especially after spending years suffering through the public humiliation and emotional turmoil of hair loss. You deserve the outcome you want.

But with hair restoration recently branching into the use of non-traditional donor hair, we’re talking about a highly sophisticated technology. To get the outcome you hope for is not as simple as just undergoing the procedure. Much planning and preparation must first be done in order to attain your ideal surgery.

Beard Hair Transplant Results|No More Hair Piece
This patient happily tossed out his hairpiece after successful restoration using non-traditional donor hair.

Use of Beard Follicles As An Evolution of FUE

This hair restoration technique is geared toward repairing the severely bald. This includes people who suffer with genetic baldness (androgenic alopecia), those who’ve had botched prior surgeries, those who’ve been in some kind of accident, or those who’ve endured an illness that caused hair loss. In any case, it wasn’t long ago that many of these people would have been turned away from hair transplant clinics as poor candidates. The technology needed to restore or repair them was not possible.

Beard Hair Transplant Results |other body hair transplant donor sites| leg hair follicles
FUE also enables harvest from other non-traditional donor sites, like the legs. Invasiveness and scarring are negligible.*

With the advent of follicular unit extraction, the expansion into the use of body hair was soon to follow. Beard hair transplant results are some of the best of body hair transplant ( BHT ) overall, due to the high graft survival rates and density-bearing texture that facial hair has to offer. Now, people who suffer with severe baldness have a viable chance at restoration.

Beard Hair Transplant Results|impossible repair case
This severely bald candidate got his life back through the use of beard hair transplant.*

What Is Needed For a Successful Procedure

With regard to hair restoration, a person’s future cosmetic appearance hinders on a few key factors. Normally, technique would be first on the list, but since beard hair transplant is already the method of choice, here are the rest:

  • Choosing the right surgeon
  • Having your finances in order

Choose the Right Surgeon

The choice of surgeon is an important factor for a successful experience.  His or her level of skill or lack thereof can make or break your surgery on a few important principals. First of all, he or she must have vast prior experience performing FUE hair transplant and using non-head hair in particular. This will cut down on the chance of something going wrong, such as heightened transection rates or graft burial. If the surgeon is not an expert, this compromises the safety and survival of each graft that is harvested, thus compromising the end result.

Beard Hair Transplant Results Galleries

Look for the result gallery of the surgeon you are considering and make sure there is a robust evidence of Beard Hair Transplant Results in the gallery. Here is the result gallery of Dr U accrued over 10 years of performing beard hair transplants consistently with consistent results

Beard Hair Transplant Results |successful repair case
This patient was disfigured by a past surgeon with scalp reduction and repaired using beard hair transplant.*

Secondly, the surgeon must have artistic vision. With the need for accurate hairline design and crown whorl creation, a hair restoration surgeon is also an artist. The application of artistry is what implants those thousands of harvested grafts and makes them look natural.

Beard Hair Transplant Results | Norwood 6 baldness
Dr. Umar gave this patient a natural-looking crown whorl.*

Prepare Your Finances

If you don’t have good credit, don’t save, and can’t take out a loan, you may not be able to afford the right surgeon. And for a patient who is bald enough to qualify for the use of beard donor hair, you’re also likely to rack up on the per graft total cost. Satisfactory results require adequate financial planning.

Beard Hair Transplant Results |transforming severe baldness
It required thousands of beard and body hair grafts to restore this patient.*

Here is another patient who underwent a procedure using beard hair follicles to address diffuse thinning. Click here to read more.

To see more Beard Hair Transplant Results visit our Youtube Hair Restoration  playlist: Our You Tube Channel

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