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Are You A Good Candidate For FUE Hair Transplant?

Are You A Good Candidate For FUE Hair Transplant?

If you have done your research on hair transplant procedures, you are probably already familiar with the benefits of Follicular Unit Extraction (F.U.E.) and must have wondered; are you a good candidate for FUE hair transplant:

  1. There is no permanent linear scar unlike strip surgery.  Patients can wear their hair short
  2. Technique is overall less invasive
  3. Hair lines can be crafted to be more natural looking in appearance because finer hair from the nape or body areas can be used by advanced forms of FUE.
  4. uGraft, an advanced for of FUE enables the use of finer body or nape hair for eyebrow transplants.

However another consideration to make is whether or not you are a good candidate for an FUE hair transplant  procedure.

Covering bald areas, of course requires that hair follicles are transplanted from other areas of your body onto the target regions of the scalp. This means that you must have a plentiful supply of hair that can be transferred.  Sources of donor hair would include:

  1. Areas of the head where hair density is great.
  2. Body hair that is similar in nature to the hair that was lost
  3. Beard hair
Are You A Good Candidate For FUE Hair Transplant
Are You A Good Candidate For FUE Hair Transplant? Before and after pictures of patient who underwent an UGraft advanced FUE hair transplant using body hair as the donor supply.*

An FUE hair transplant is not recommended for the following types of individuals

  1. Patients who have scar hypertrophy keloids or any abnormal scarring tendencies
  2. Patients with abnormal bleeding or clotting tendencies
  3. Patients who display allergies to local anesthesia.

Advanced FUE hair transplantation is however specifically required if:

  1. You need a beard or body hair to head transplant
  2. You have very kinky hair that would not be amenable to basic FUE techniques like the neograft or artas robot which are not indicated or able to do this kind of hair. the UGraft is able to do all of this demographics however without the need for any pre-testing

If you are suffering from loss of hair and would like to see if you are a candidate for an FUE transplant procedure, get a consultation with a respected hair restoration specialist who can provide a proper medical evaluation

Read about the UGraft FUE in Dermatology Times

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