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Psychological Expectations After Surgical Hair Restoration
Psychological Expectations After Surgical Hair Restoration
Some patients feel stress before their hair transplant procedure. Therefore, taking the time to relax and shift one’s focus can be worthwhile

Psychological Expectations After Surgical Hair Restoration : Surgery, be it hair restoration or otherwise, can take a toll on a person’s physical, mental, and emotional state; especially after a long struggle with a cosmetic ailment. Baldness impacts upwards of 40 million American men and climbing. Treatments for hair loss, including surgeries, medications, lasers, and wigs, face what often feels like an uphill battle toward regaining cosmetic approval over oneself. Sufferers of pattern baldness run a gauntlet, and are usually exhausted by the time a viable permanent solution comes along.

For most, this permanent solution is the best hair transplant surgery they can get. The best technique, the right surgeon, the well-trained medical staff, and all other factors align to create this long-awaited reprieve from baldness. But hair transplant is not a magic trick—there is no voilá moment to be had. The emotional and mental recovery from hair restoration surgery might be almost as rough as the road was getting there.

Psychological Expectations After Surgical Hair Restoration : What Some May Experience After Hair Transplant

Hair transplant patients often have to “wear in” their new hair, even if the results are beyond their wildest dreams. Once the 18-month mark hits and the hair reaches full maturity, there has been so much nail-biting suspense that even one burgeoning new hair may seem surreal. If you’re undergoing surgical hair restoration, know that you may struggle with the following (and know that you’re not alone):

  • Panic: The new hair doesn’t grow immediately, and it doesn’t grow all at once. Also, there are frequently strange bodily reactions, like shedding and scalp acne.
  • Paranoia: Will people notice I got a hair transplant? Most likely not. Surgical methods for correcting hair loss are so good nowadays, they’re hard to differentiate. And if someone does notice (most likely from having known your older, balder self), who cares?
  • Disbelief: The hair loss struggle is largely over, and that’s hard to believe. Old feelings like depression, anxiety, social withdrawal, and mood swings may persist for a while, even after the new “external you” has blossomed. The inner you still needs to be dealt with.
  • Financial stress: Hair transplant is expensive. You might be making credit card payments long after your surgery is over. But don’t ever doubt that it was worth it. This is your happiness we’re talking about!
  • Attachment to pain; This is an unexpected aftermath observed by Dr U to be common amongst those patients t that have been so traumatized by botched hair transplants that have gotten used to the pain associated with it over the years that even after the problem has been dramatically fixed find it difficult to reintegrate and get back into the society head on. It requires counselling and reassurance that it is all going to be okay for them to find the confidence to face the cruel and judgmental society again

Psychological Expectations After Surgical Hair Restoration : Things to Help With the Turmoil of Surgical Hair Restoration

Try relaxation exercises like meditation, yoga, a brisk walk, or a casual jog. Whatever positive, productive activity gets your mind off of your hair transplant. Joining discussion forums with other prior patients to find out first hand what they’re going through might also help. But beware of the horror story blogs and only stick to the encouraging and constructive. Most importantly, though, rally friends and family to support you. They will be vital throughout this experience.

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