Repair of Strip Scar| Before & After Insertion of Beard Hair
Follicular Unit Extraction vs Strip Harvesting: The Winner Is….
Follicular Unit Extraction vs Strip Harvesting:“Strip harvesting” usually requires cutting strips of flesh from the back and side of the head, resulting in a linear scar that can widen overtime, and forcing you to continually find ways to hide it. The older method also limits the donor supply to 5,000-7,000 hair follicles, a huge waste.

Follicular Unit Extraction vs Strip Harvesting
Follicular Unit Extraction vs Strip Harvesting*

Follicular Unit Extraction vs Strip Harvesting

Scarring is a huge issue with the strip approach, but not with FUE and the advanced uGraft method taken by Dr. Umar. Follicular Unit Extraction is a minimally invasive procedure that leaves no linear scarring, as can be seen in this video featuring a patient who was so desperate to hide his scars he resorted to tattoos. With regards to yield, it is a myth to imply that one method yields better growth than the other. The video highlight the importance of going to s skilled doctor in whatever method you choose (strip or FUE), as a poorly skilled doctor (whether FUT or FUE) can lead to suboptimal results. The inherent pros and cons of each method not withstanding, the experience of the provider is of paramount importance

Have more questions about your hair loss options? Contact Dr. Umar for a free online consultation today.


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